Get off the endless "What Should I Post Today?" hamster wheel for GOOD!

Spend LESS hours scrolling your phone looking for inspo on what to post and Show up on Social Media Stress-Free with a Marketing Strategy that your customers can’t ignore.



If you’re tired of feeling like everyone around you has found their “thing” and you’re still stuck second-guessing everyday before posting? I’ve been there…. And that’s exactly why I created nail your niche. The only course you’ll ever need to convert an audience of silent skeptics into willing buyers with ease.

I created Nail Your Niche for you!

“I absolutely loved using Abbey's framework to narrow down mu niche. I had put in so much work on my own, but I KNEW that if I had her training that I would be able to really move forward with it confidently. And I was blown away!"

- Wynne elder

teach me plz

Module One

-Why Narrowing your Niche is the foundation of your ENTIRE marketing strategy! 

-The keys to Achieving clarity on your Ideal Client & Target Audience

-The power of establishing your brand voice & creating content that connects with your Ideal Client

- The DL: Niche is a hot and trendy buzz-word these days but most people (even google themselves) make the fatal mistake of describing your NICHE as an industry (this literally drives me crazy!). In this course you'll learn your industry is only a teeny-TINY piece of a [profitable] niche strategy!


"Your Niche Is Your Power"
In module one, you’re going to learn:

I Need this!

Module Two

-How to discover your Marketing "it factor"

-How to Increase your social following by creating a feed that shows you are the GO-TO expert in your (niche-specifc) field

-A unique process to uncovering your most profitable Niche. (not all Niches are =)

What's Different: Other Experts will send you on a soul searching journey to find your greatest passion and purpose wrapped up in a niche but for the multi-passionate entrepreneur that rabbit hole is endless and quickly leads to disaster (Not to mention an identity crisis!) So Here we cut out the fluff and instead give you CLEAR and tangible exercises that help you uncover a niche that not only allows you to create the deepest impact with the people you’ve been given, but also propels you to the next level of online influence and allows you to further your mission while confidently moving the needle in your business.

"Uncovering Your Area of Expertise"
In module two, you’re going to learn:

Let's do it!

Module Three

-Find out who you are most aligned with and what problem you are able to solve for them.

-Identify your DREAM customer & learn how to serve them value in a way that creates lasting impact

"Deconstructing your IDeal Client"
In module three, you’re going to learn:

Lemme in already!

Module Four

-How to Create Captions for posts that connect + how to stand out from the competition

-Clearly Define Your Content Creation Strategy (Swipe my exact formula for hitting 20k organically on IG + Generating 6-figures without ads or being spammy!)

-Learn the secrets to crafting MAGNETIC posts that will stop your clients scroll

Overcome the Overwhelm by creating a solid plan for Sales on Social! 

"Creating Content That Converts"
In module four, you’re going to learn:

Take me to the checkout 

Module Five


How to create an Instagram Profile that makes your ideal customer click “FOLLOW”

My exact formula for creating content that’s business-professional while still keeping your brand feeling authentic & personal!

I get it… as a multi-passionate entrepreneur you feel conflicted. There’s so many beautiful sides to YOU and you have so much to give! But the truth is, in order to deepen your impact it’s vital to get specific. So let’s dive in together & find out what your content super power is!

"Putting The Pieces Together"
In module five, you’re going to learn:

Enroll in Nail Your Niche Today!

Get these limited time BONUSES when you sign up now!

done for you content ideas 

three ways to build your brand authority using igtv 

your guide to algorithm-proof content 

network marketing niche masterclass:  video format

My signature 6-figure marketing blueprint 


q&A: includes an instagram audit walkthrough + how to setup your profitable profile (video format)

nail your niche course curriculum

secure your next sale + Show up online with Confidence 

($297 value)

($67 value)

($49 value)

($67 value)

($197 value)

($197 value)

($997 value)


Enroll right now and you'll also get access to these special, limited-time bonuses...

30 days of posting ideas including scroll-stopping hooks

Top performing reel ideas, tips for beating the Algorithm, & more

be bold!


A comprehensive Guide to Creating Algorithm-Proof Content

Get off the engagement roller coaster and put an end to the constant posting and hoping to go viral!


How to Build Your Brand Authority (using IGTV)

While other experts are convinced that Reels are the only form of video content worth investing in, my account’s organic growth to over 20k followers is proof that consistently showing up on IGTV can lead to a solid fan base as well as increase your authority in your niche. So how do we do it? We’re spilling all the tea!



($197 value)

($197 value)

($197 value)

So what if after all this you’re not any closer to narrowing down your niche and up-leveling your content strategy? Well friend, that’s never happened but I guess there could be a first for everything! So if for some reason after 30 days of actively implementing these strategies you’re not seeing any signs of your influence growing? We got your back- no worries!

30 Day Progress Gurantee

Nail Your
Niche Guarantee

I’m a SAHM homeschooling mama to 3 babes by day and a 6-figure Marketing & Sales Strategist by night (hence why my coffee intake is usually pretty high). ☕️One thing I’ve noticed in my 15 years as an entrepreneur is all the “experts” nowadays like to tell us how to grow a business on the 'gram, BUT they left out a key page in the instructions …. In order to make sales you have to FIRST have to choose a niche audience that you can serve. 🚦Newsflash: NO ONE knows their niche right off the bat. That's why we’re tackling this together!

Still Unsure? Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re posting schedule tends to be “all or nothing” + you’re burnt out from trying to remember to film more stories. 😴As a maxed out business owner you don’t have time to waste wondering if you picked the “right niche” to share with your audience and honestly… it’s not converting! So how 'bout we do something to get your biz on the upswing?👇🏾

Hi friend!



Enroll in Nail Your Niche today!

Get the BONUSES when you sign up now!