What's Your Entrepreneurial Personality?

a trip down memory lane

The year an 11 year old unwrapped a Jewelry kit for Christmas. It lead to a trip to the bank where her blue collar parents took out a loan and helped start a business that resulted in Newschannel interviews and Abbey’s work being featured in Retail Stores around the Nation. A Child Entrepreneur was born.


The year we found ourselves as a single mom. We decided to try something crazy and “sell something on Instagram..” But could this actually work??


The year we held our breath & invested BIG by creating our first Physical product (And fully sold-out those launches) 🎊


 The year we broke records as the youngest person to reach the Highest Rank of a Network Marketing company


The one where we tried “slowing down & not launching something...” Plot twist: We were miserable... Until a friend told us that we really are the “True Entrepreneur Type”. A lightbulb came on- Fully owning that God made us this way changed everything. 


humble beginnings!

see, dreams do come true! crazy, huh?

The one where we were sweaty-hands-scared to put all the ideas into motion. We cried. We fasted & prayed. We took big messy action… and then the podcast was featured in Forbes as the top 20 in Marketing. A green light moment.


The one where we made 30k in 30 days + Launched a New Brand that Hit 6 Figures in 6 Months. The do-it-scared-decisions started paying off. 


the grand opening

Monetize Me: 1:1 Business Coaching & Sales Mentoring

Inside this high-touch 1:1 experience we uncover everything keeping you “stuck” & silence the second-guessing when it comes to your marketing. Ready to show up on Social with = parts purpose + strategy?? I knew we were Besties! See you on our next zoom meeting!

Nail        Niche

Spend LESS hours scrolling looking for posting inspo and Show up on Social Stress-Free with a Marketing plan that your customers can’t ignore. This course is your one-stop-shop for a Profitable Content Blueprint-Grab it NOW before Doors close!
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